Midges and Caddis
Fly Anglers have been in pursuit of the elusive trout species for hundreds of years. Below are 2 of the main types of insects that most trout chasers fish. They are Midges and Caddis.

"Fooling fresh fish with flies is all about behavior, color, and size!"
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These insects belong to the order Diptera and have a full life cycle, like the Caddis. They are the tiniest of the insects and inhabit streams, lakes, and ponds all over the world. The most common colors are red, black, creme, tan, and olive. If you are interested in Dry Fly action in winter, Midges are the bug of choice.

I am gathering patterns to finish filling out the larva, pupa, and adult midge sections. Please bear with me, it may take some time. If you are in need of a midge pattern that you don't see here, you are welcome to email me or call me and I'll be happy to do a custom job for you.-Customtyer
mIDGE pupae
The Caddis, from the order Diptera, has a full life cycle from egg to adult. They greatly out number Mayflies and Stone Flies combined. Caddis tend to begin hatching at the first hint of spring, sometimes as early as February or March, depending on the temps. Brachycentrus, The Grannom Caddis, is usually one of the first to arrive on the scene. Dicosmoecus, the October Caddis, or Great October Sedge is one of the last to go before the cooler temps of winter return.
Some of the images displayed in this section are place holders. I have not yet tied and photographed my rendition of the pattern. They are meant to give the customer an idea of what the finished product will look like.
Find more hand crafted trout foolers on the next few pages. May Flies and Stones/ Worms, Crustaceans, and Eggs/Streamers and Terrestrials
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