Hi, I'm George. I will be your guide for this adventure.
Tulpehocken Creek near Lancaster, PA. Locally known as the Tully.
Fly-Fishing Course
Standing in Antietam Creek, in PA
18in 3lb Puppy Drum, Oak Island, NC
![]() My name is B. George Hammond. I am a US Army veteran and owner of Custom-Tied Flies and Guide Service Virtual Fly Shop, based in Leland, NC. It is the goal of my company to raise awareness and promote Fly Fishing in the Southern Coastal North Carolina area by teaching people how to Fly Fish and tie their own flies. To accomplish that, I have taken a step out of the box. I have built a virtual fly shop that a customer can stop by and visit, ask a question, or pick up some stuff if they need it. Please take a moment and fill out the contact sheet at the bottom of the Front Page. I am willing to answer any question that I can.
I realize that most folks are used to a click and pay set up, and I used to have that, but I found it very impersonal. I see folks asking these generalized questions on the facebook groups all the time. They just started out, they're in Vermont someplace and they are asking an international group of strangers what the best fly for their stream is. Big surprise, they follow this bewildered non-specific advice and get skunked, then develop a poor attitude because they figured they could watch a Youtube video and become a fly fisherman. Sorry, there's a bit more to it than that. At a traditional fly shop, you walk in, say hello and ask a person a question having to do with local water. That person knows more about that water than 20 guys in Romania, guaranteed. Unfortunately, the local fly shops are falling away, because of the click and pay nature of the internet. There is no customer service. There is no fellowship. There is no networking or working together to get better. This place gives you an option. I won't charge you a dime from this site. I promise. All of the flies on the bug pages are available for you to view and copy if you desire. If you need a recipe, just drop me an email and ask, I'll send it to you. If you don't tie, you are welcome to buy them, if you like. To order flies, please use this XLS Order Form. Email the form to me at or call it into the Custom-Tied Virtual Fly Shop at 717-977-8804. If you do not see a bug that you think should be there, please email me with any suggestions for additions that you may have. If you like, I'll do a custom order for you. The minimum on any custom order is 6 per pattern/size. If it walks, crawls, flies, jumps, or swims, I can tie it. We begin our Guiding season in August, chasing Red Fish wading in the surf and in the tidal flood plane areas. As the fall and winter progresses we find stripers, speckled trout, and flounder. When spring is just upon us, we move inland to the tributaries of the Cape Fear in search of American Shad, then to ponds for Large Mouth Bass and Paper Plate sized bream. No boats required. If you are a new fly-angler and desire lessons to get you headed down the right path, the Custom-Tied School of Fly Fishing can help with that. Please do not buy any gear before you learn how to use it. We have quality Redington Flyrods/Reels/Line for you to learn with. We will start you off in a pond environment and teach you the basics of equipment and tackle selection to a point where you are casting line and catching fish on flies, instead of bait. Once you have the basics down, we can help you with equipment selection and guide you through a positive experience with one of many of the companies that I represent. Steelhead in Elk Creek, PA. 14lb, 28in long buck Steelhead.
717-977-8804 Based in Leland, NC serving greater Wilmington and The Coastal Region
As a virtual fly shop, I don't have the overhead that a traditional shop has, so I can afford to be a little less expensive. If you have a local shop, I strongly encourage you to use them.
HoursWe never close
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